Joel Reynolds has always been passionate about art and photography. Although he has a condition called Cerebral Palsy, he has not let this get in the way of his artistic ambition. This website provides a platform for Joel to share his art and photography with the world, and his aim is to continue doing what he loves.

Joel has recently graduated from the University of Westminster with a degree in fine art using a mixture of photography and painting to create each individual piece. In curating his artwork Joel has explored various artistic styles to find the most accessible medium and thus creating his distinct signature style.  If Joel finds a particular technique challenging, he will explore alternative ways to achieve his artistic goals.

The combination of art with photography allows Joel to give more detail in the pieces than he could achieve just with paint. By using large sizes for his painting, Joel can also be freer with his work.

Joel is a long-standing volunteer, mentor and board member at The Theatre Shed, an all- inclusive theatre group with a range of members with and without disabilities. One of The Theatre Shed mottos is ‘Our door is always open’. Joel supports the editing of performance videos,  show lighting and providing photography for the program.